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This service can be provided after the issuance of the housing assistance decision to citizens in the event that they wish to object to the rejection decision or the value of the housing assistance decision.
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This service allows the applicant to submit a request for reevaluating a decision of rejection or the determination of the housing assistance amount, based on new circumstances or developments, in accordance with the regulations approved in Cabinet Decision No. (61) of 2021
A reconsideration request may be accepted in the following cases: o Submission of new or updated documents that affect eligibility for assistance. o Emergence of new social or financial circumstances that were not considered in the initial request. o Procedural errors or inaccuracies in applying the eligibility criteria.
o Beneficiaries who received a rejection decision for housing assistance. o Beneficiaries who have an objection based on reasonable grounds and legal justifications
Documents proving the developments, such as: o Updates to monthly income or social status. o Approved reports (social, financial, engineering) according to the nature of the request. o Legal documents supporting the objection.
Yes, the reconsideration request must be submitted within 60 days from the date the decision is issued or received.
The request can be submitted through: o The ministry's official website. o The ministry's mobile application
The request is studied, and the submitted documents are verified, with a response provided within 9 working days, according to the applicable procedures.
Yes, the request may be rejected if: o There are no strong reasons or new documents justifying reconsideration. o The applicant fails to meet the deadline for submission. o The applicant does not meet the conditions and regulations stipulated in the guidelines.
o A new request can be submitted if there are substantial new developments that affect the housing assistance decision.
No, submitting a reconsideration request is free of charge, as stipulated in the applicable decisions.
Yes, as long as it is within the specified time frame according to the issued decision and no execution file has been opened, and provided new documents are attached that prove changes in social or financial circumstances.
You can track the status of your request through: • The ministry's official website. • The ministry's mobile application. • Contacting the customer service center.
9 Working Days
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