Consultations Details

Digital Consultation about Iskan App and services transfer

Open Date : 26/05/2023| Close Date: 30/11/2023
Consultation Subject:

Based on the keenness of the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure to involve customers in developing and improving services and methods of providing them, we invite you to participate in the digital advice on closing the smart application of the Sheikh Zayed Housing Program and transferring services to the application of the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure. This survey will take approximately 5 minutes and we thank you in advance for your participation.

Consultation Objective:

This advice aims to find out the opinions of the participants and users of the smart application of the Sheikh Zayed Housing Program and the smoothness of the transition to using the application of the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure.

Consultation Decision:

The Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure is keen to improve its services and its smart application. Accordingly, notes will be taken for continuous improvement of its services.


The Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure (MoEI) is keen to engage customers in developing and improving services and channels for providing them. In this context, the Ministry has published digital consultation on closing the smart app for the Sheikh Zayed Housing Program and transferring its services to the MoEI app. It called on the public to participate in the consultation and express their opinions transparently.

This consultation aimed to get the feedback of the users of the smart app of the Sheikh Zayed Housing Program and find out the extent of the smooth transition to the MoEI app. 

A total of 340 participants from various emirates of the country participated in this digital consultation. The majority of participants, representing 42%, are from Ras Al Khaimah, and the least, representing 4.84%, are from Umm Al Quwain. A large percentage of participants, representing 76.50%, used the old app of the Sheikh Zayed Housing Program before it was closed.

Many participants expressed their opinions on developing and improving the old app by submitting their comments and suggestions, which were taken into consideration when developing the MoEI app. These included:

  • A section must be entirely dedicated to the Sheikh Zayed Housing Program: MoEI has customized a list of services for the Sheikh Zayed Housing Program in its app.
  • Please add the application status feature to make it easier to track it: Based on this observation, the application status feature has been developed, showing every application's completion percentage, which makes it easier for the customer to know the status of their various applications at the same time without having to enter each service alone.

You can download the new MOEI App to view the changes from the following links:

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